Thursday, September 27, 2018

Corkscrew Reflections

It's hard to believe that I only have a little under a month left here at Corkscrew. When I look back on everything that's happened these last few months, it amazes me just how quickly the time has flown, and how much I have learned.

It was a little overwhelming at first, trying to learn so many new plant species, not to mention trying to get used to working outside in Florida's heat and humidity. While the heat can still be rough, I think I can say with confidence that I can positively identify many more invasive plants than when I first started. And of course, I've gained plenty of other new experiences as well, like riding in an airboat, and learning to drive an ATV and a swamp buggy. And the next two weeks, I'll be helping out the research team with their work as well.

Not every aspect of my time here as been about work either. Most evenings I spend some time walking along the boardwalk and just soaking in the ambiance of the nature around me.


 I've gotten to see some incredible things while I've been here, and of course it's always a privilege to get to live and work in such a beautiful area. I've even been lucky enough to see not only a panther, but several bobcats and even otters as well! And of course I never remembered to have a camera with me to actually get pictures of these incredible creatures.

In a few weeks, I'll be heading back home to Ohio. I don't know what's ahead for me, by I look forward to meeting it when it comes. And I know that I'll always look back fondly on all the things I leaned and experienced here at Corkscrew Swamp.


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