This past month was quite an exciting time for bird enthusiasts at the Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary. The rain fed swamp has been historically recorded to start drying between the months of January through April, and this year was no different. Guests on the boardwalk this month were treated to a dramatic and vivid display of bird foraging within what was left of the water reserves at the Lettuce Lakes.
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Courtesy of Ginger Allen, Environmental Education Intern at CSS |
The only problem for the birds that the adult alligators with their hatchlings are simultaneously trying to compete with other alligators for the water hole. I observed quite a few Great Egrets (Ardea alba) get snapped at as they were paying too much attention to foraging. My favorite part of the experience was being around all of the guests that came out to get their share of the magic. It made me feel closer to my surrounding community and gave me hope that there is still an extensive audience out there that cares about the natural mechanisms and infrastructure of our world.
Written by: Nicholas Charles
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Courtesy of Jennifer Meade, University of Central Florida Student |
Staats, Eric. "A Rare Sight: Wood Storks, other wading birds enjoy feeding frenzy at Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary" <>
We visited Corkscrew in later March and again in early April and were amazed at the concentration of birds and gators in what were basically "mud puddles". I took over 200 photographs !!!' For those new to Corkscrew I would recommend you take the boardwalk to the right (against the one way sign). It will get you to all the action much faster. Thank you Cordscrew staff for all the information provided by both staff and volunteers along the boardwalk. Both visits were outstanding! Especially loved seeing mom gator with her 12 offspring at N. Lettuce Lake. :)