Saturday, January 18, 2020

Panther Island Prescribe Burn Results

It's only be a month and look at the results! Fire removes underbrush/fuel loads of fall leaves, pine & cypress needles, and dry grasses, cleans the flatwoods floor of debris. This would opens it up to sunlight and re-nourishes the soil. Preforming a prescribe burn reduces the competition for nutrients allowing established and older growth trees to grow stronger and healthier. Today forests are over grown with trees, that are not all healthy. Over 100 years ago, forests had larger and healthier trees, which taught us the importance of fire. Established trees have to compete with undergrowth for nutrients and space. Fire clears the weaker trees and debris taking up space and absorbing nutrients, to keep the flatwoods health. This picture depicts a very well maintained Pine Flatwood.
Figure 2

Wildlands such as this Sanctuary provide habitat and shelter to birds and many other animals. Prescribe burns leaved room for regenerating/new shrubs & grasses (see Figures 2-3), that provide food and habitat for wildlife. With fewer plants absorbing water, waterways are fuller, benefiting other plants, birds, and a drinking source for many animals.

Figure 3
- Ayanna, Conservation Intern

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