Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Morning Reflections

I've never really been much of a morning person, so when I first came to Corkscrew, I was a little apprehensive about starting work at 6:30 every day. But now, even though I've only been here for a little over a month, I almost can't imagine doing things otherwise. Which I guess just goes to show how quickly people can adapt to new situations.

There's just something so peaceful about the early morning. Everything seems so much more still and quiet, and as you walk along the sun comes up over the horizon and the rest of the world starts to wake.

In the relative cool of the morning, you can often see animals up and about as well. So far, I've managed to spot a family of hogs, some deer, baby gators, and even this Sandhill Crane.

These last few days, I have been up at the Panther Island Mitigation Bank, which is about a 45 minute drive up through the backcountry. Even though it means I have to get up even earlier, I've found that I don't mind, since it means I get to watch the complete transition from darkness to light, and the drive is the perfect amount of time to listen to some music and get mentally prepared to face the day.
A year ago when I was a senior in college, I never would have thought that I would ever willingly wake up before 6, let alone begin to enjoy being up so early! (Though being done with work by 2:30 most days is a nice plus too!)
Until next time,
~Intern Amanda

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