Thursday, July 19, 2018

Weather Contemplations

It's hard to believe I'm already halfway through my time here at Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary. A lot of the time it still feels as though I just got here, even when I'm helping to train other people on the things we do here at CSS.

There's been so many things to learn and get used to over these past three months. But, coming from central Ohio, I think one of the most difficult things for me to adjust to has been the summer weather. And I don't just mean the heat and humidity!

When I first arrived down here, everything was still dry, and you could still see solid ground. Now, though, water is everywhere, and it rains almost every day. Almost always in the afternoon too, which I find really interesting.


This fluctuation between wet and dry forms the basis for many of the ecosystem types seen both here at Corkscrew and throughout Florida, such as wet prairies, or marshes, and cypress domes.

While I do miss having dry feet while I'm working, it is also very satisfying to finally feel like we have the "Swamp" part of Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary.

Until next time!

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