Sunday, July 8, 2018

New Resource Intern

Hello! I am Kevin! I was born in Cincinnati Ohio, but I grew up in Costa Rica. I am a rising senior at Colorado College majoring in environmental policy. I have been interested in wildlife and conservation as long as I can remember. My favorite activities are running, hiking, and reading. Recently I have become enthusiastic about photography, specifically focusing on wildlife.

Growing up in the rich bio-diversity of Costa Rica has inspired me to want to protect the environment. Previously I volunteered on a forest restoration project with Osa Conservation in Costa Rica during the summer after freshman year. The next summer I went to Kenya for an internship with the Western Organization for People Living with Aids and HIV (WOPLAH). WOPLAH promotes community education in Western Kenya about aids and HIV, working to reduce the stigma towards people with aids and HIV. Most recently, last semester I studied abroad in Thailand at the International Sustainable Development Studies Institute. There I learned about sustainable development, people’s relationship with the environment, and environmental policy. After graduation, I plan to pursue a career with a conservation group or an NGO that helps fulfill the basic needs of people while also working towards protecting the environment.

I am looking forward to working with Audubon and to learn about resource management and to get to know the staff. I have been here for about two weeks already and have learned a lot. I am now able to identify a few invasive plant species, can operate a buggy (for the most part) and learned a lot about the ecosystem here at Corkscrew Sanctuary. I am looking forward to gaining more valuable knowledge and experience and hope to take it with me to the future after contributing here.

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