Howdy Folks!
My name is Alex Newman-Caro and I am the newest Conservation Intern here at Corkscrew Swam Sanctuary.
I am a Texas boy, born and raised in San Antonio. I recently graduated from the University of Dayton with a with a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Biology with a minor in English. I had never stepped foot in Florida until arriving at this internship, but I can already tell the wildlife here is awesome.

I am a big fan of reptiles, having spent a previous summer as a herpetology intern at the San Antonio Zoo. In fact, I have even had the opportunity to help capture and relocate an adult female Tomistoma (
Tomistoma schlegelii) during my time at the zoo. It was a textbook Steve Irwin style, top jaw rope, crocodile catching adventure! Back home, in San Antonio, my little brother is watching over my pet Florida King Snake and Kenyan Sand Boa, while I am here at Corkscrew.

I have spent some time as a teaching assistant for both an ecology class and an invertebrate zoology course. Thus, I have a passion for floral and faunal identification and marine invertebrate ecology. I love the opportunity to facilitate learning situations in the communities around me.

Another fun fact about me is that I absolutely love LUCHA LIBRE, and any form of wrestling.
Nacho Libreis basically my favorite movie. It is a rare day when I do not quote
Nacho Libreat least once. To quote Nacho, played by Jack Black, “It’s the best. I love it.”
I also love nature in general, hence the degree and the new internship. I cannot wait to see what my time here at Corkscrew has to offer. I look forward to working hard and trying to have a positive impact on the Audubon Society.
I’ll see you around!
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