Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Slow Down and Look Around

Slow Down and Look Around

Earlier last week while I was working, I was moving at a fast pace and became pretty overheated and sore. In Land/Resource Management we are usually pushing ourselves to work-work-work. I don't doubt other people experience this in their own jobs as well.

The stress, the mental exhaustion, and not having time to appreciate the things we experience on the route towards our goals.

While I had been moving so fast, I barely stopped in time to see a little mud turtle on the road that I was driving on. But I had stopped, and I took the cutie to a pond so he would be safe.

That was a lesson to me in that even though we need to work hard for our goals, we have to remember to slow down so that we can appreciate the things or the beings that we are working for.

Whether your goals are to make money in order to live well, to make sure your kids are happy, or to make a difference for those that do not have human voices, we should slow down so that we can really see and appreciate what we have and how our efforts are affecting our goals.

Maybe then it wouldn't feel so draining and we could learn to appreciate the here and now more instead of always missing the present because we are so wrapped up in the future.

In other words, we need to slow down on our paths so that we see the turtles on the road.

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